Friday, October 19, 2012

Buying the Barbell

Little Kat went to the weight room at his school. He tried out a bunch of equipment. He liked bench pressing a barbell with weights. Momoko had previously purchased some dumbells for Little Kat. Now he wants a barbell.

Little Kat and I scheduled a time at lunch today to go barbell shopping. I used google to find a store close to us that sells barbells. There was one at the Target shopping center. I got caught in a meeting at work. But I still wanted to go shopping. We went late.

Our first plan was to buy a barbell. That way we could attach Little Kat's existing weights to the end of it. Little Kat brought one of the weights with us so we could make sure it fit the bar. We found a bunch of "curl bars". Those are for lifting weights in a standing position. Little Kat wants to pump iron while laying on his weight bench.

We found one barbell. But it did not have much weight to it. We wanted a bar that itself weighed around 35 pounds. That way Little Kat could add a bit of weight, and the whole thing would provide the resistance he needed. Unfortunately we could not find such a barbell there. We ended up buying a barbell with weight set combo.

A store employee went in the back and wheeled out the weight set. He came with us to the truck to help us load it up. He tried to be Hercules and lift the whole weight box into our truck. The box gave out, sending the weight rolling into the puddle on the ground. Great. Little Kat had to dry everything off when we got home. He already did a few repititions on the weight bench.

1 comment:

Renee said...

nice blog. :) can you please check out mine? :D