Monday, October 29, 2012

Ingredients Debacle

Last Friday, Momoko went out with the people from her work for happy hour. Kit Kat always stays late at school on Friday. So when I got off work, I quizzed Little Kat about the status of dinner. He had not started yet. I told him to make sure he has all the ingredients ready to make his dish. He had planned to make a tuna casserole that was a new recipe. Little Kat reported to me that he only had about half the ingredients. I left a message for Momoko to call us.

Eventually Kit Kat came home. She was famished because she ate an early lunch. She was most disturbed that Little Kat had not started cooking yet. I sat the kids down to figure out what to do. Kit Kat thought it would be nice if we could eat out. That way she would not have to do the dishes. The kids recommended we go to my favorite restaurant. Good recommendation.

The next day, Momoko told the kids to go grocery shopping a day early since a storm was coming to town. I sat the family down to investigate what went wrong with the ingredients for Friday night's meal. Momoko made a shopping list for the kids. This was unusual. Kit Kat usually figures out the meals and shops from her head. The list from Momoko did not have the correct quanties for the new meal. In addition, some meals from earlier in the week stole the ingredients targeted for Friday's meal.

We have a solution in place to prevent this mess again. If that does not work, I explained a second solution that would require more work from everybody. Let's hope we get it right this week.

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