Monday, October 22, 2012

School Meeting

Today we had a meeting with Little Kat's teachers at school. Momoko took the day off from work. I took the afternoon off. I dressed up in my power suit and new dress shoes. Momoko felt obliged to dress up as well to match my attire.

We arrived early and went to the main office. They had to wait for Little Kat to come back from outside (his last class was Physical Education). We met Little Kat in the guidance office. Most of Little Kat's teachers came in to join our discussion.

We spent most of the time talking with his Math teacher. Little Kat is failing Algebra. Some of the failure is due to low test scores. But there are other factors like missed assignments. If you get a score of zero based on a missed assignment, it just destroys your average and overall grade.

Unfortunately we could not speak to Little Kat's English teacher. Little Kat missed his English project for the quarter. If his teacher did not email Momoko, and we did not get involved, he would have failed English this semester as well.

Momoko has been put in charge of trying to get Little Kat to complete and turn in work he missed during the first quarter. I am counting the current quarter as a loss, but am putting into place a lot of oversight to track all of Little Kat's future homework.

Luckily, these days all grades for students are online. Little Kat and I will be checking every grade for every assignment in every class. We will be doing that Monday through Friday. I will also be checking up on whether he writes down his homework assignments in his planner. Since I have insight into this online grading system, there is nowhere for Little Kat to hide any more.

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