Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Mack Daddy

I first heard this story second hand from Momoko. Then I asked Kit Kat about it. She coroborated the story. Kit Kat was eating lunch by herself at school. Some dude pulls up a chair and tells Kit Kat that she was cute. The after lunch, he offers to walk her to class. Kit Kat heads to her car to pick up her art supplies. Then she heads to class with the dude in tow.

Somewhere on the route to class, the guy asks Kit Kat what the most sponteneous thing she has ever done. Kit Kat, being the ever conservative cat, did not have a good answer. Then the smooth operator tells Kit Kat that he thought it would be most sponteneous if they made out at 1:53pm. Kit Kat checks her watch. It is 1:52pm.

Now for the amazing part. Kit Kat agrees that would be spontaneous. And she kisses the guy. It was not a peck on the cheek either. Apparently they went at it. Eventually Kit Kat goes to class. The guy sends her a bunch of instant messages. He later asks whether Kit Kat is his girlfriend now.

Kit Kat was perplexed. Of course she is not his girlfriend. Dude then tries hard to set up a date on the weekend. Kit Kat turns him down. I guess the sheer confidence of the guy caught her off guard. But Romeo apparently is not the guy for Kit Kat. She has not heard from him since. He is probably getting spontenous with some other girls on campus.

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