Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bulking Up

I stayed up late last night studying for class. I was really tired. Took a long time to write code to program simple things. The bad news is that I had to wake up early today. Needed to report to my customer's site to turn in my laptop. Getting an upgrade to Windows 7. By lunch time I was very tired.

Luckily I drove home at lunch time and took a nap. Since I did not have my work computer any more, I had some free time on my hands. I collected the leaves in the front of the yard. I thought about taking care of the back yard too, but that was too large of a task for a weekday. Instead I came in.

Kit Kat was tasked with bringing some large items to school for Momoko. They were going to stay late working on chores for Momoko. That meant that today we would eat take out. We had tacos for a Taco Tuesday. Before dinner arrived, Little Kat and I went outside to haul our bulky trash to the curb for a pickup tomorrow.

I did not feel bad asking Little Kat to help. Most of the big stuff came from his room. We paired up for the really heavy stuff. Nothing was nasty since I covered up our trash with a tarp. The only mishap was that the weight from the bottom of one of our lamp feel out and crakced over top of our driveway. I cleaned that up. And we should be good to go.

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