Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Goodbye GameFly

Previously I had paid for a GameFly account for Little Kat. It is like Netflix for video games. Little Kat put a list of his favorite games on the GameFly web site. Then they send him the games one at a time. The game comes in the mail. They are returned by mail too. As soon as one game is returned, the next one from his list is sent to him.

The goal of this GameFly reward for Little Kat was to do well in school. I set up two level of grades that I thought should be rewarded with GameFly privileges. The higher the grades, the more games Little Kat could check out at any given time. For a long while, Little Kat has earned the one game at a time service level.

This semester Little Kat had some problems with his grades at school. That was nothing new. However Little Kat did not come back and get the grades corrected prior to report card time. Today I got a copy of his report card. We already knew the results. So I had to cancel his GameFly membership. Let's hope his grades improve next quarter.

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