Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Upgrades +1

I have been using Momoko's iPad2 for a while using the old iOS 6 operating system. The family all upgraded to iOS 7 a long time ago. I decided I did not need to upgrade. Why mess with something that works?

Recently I tried to download and install Microsoft Office for iPad. It just came out. Unfortunately it requires iOS 7. So I upgraded to iOS 7 on the iPad. But then I had a problem. I could not see the book I was reading on the iPad with the Amazon Kindle app.

First I uninstalled the Kindle app and reinstalled it. No use. Could not read my book. Then I fought with iCloud. Had to jump through hoops to get me logged in instead of Momoko. Still no help. Finally I needed to unregister the device as a Kindle reader and re-register it.

I hope this is the last time I need to upgrade the iOS.

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