Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Photos

Momoko wanted new photos of the kids. So she thought she could go to Walmart. Turns out they don't do family photos. Instead Momoko found a place that would do around 40 pictures for twenty bucks. Sounded like a good deal. Unfortunately they needed to drive to the other side of town for it.

We have been trying to see this Steven Hawking film together as a family for a while. It had been rescheduled for this morning. However Momoko was able to get a photo appointment today. That bumped the movie to another time.

I went out early and worked in the yard. The kids grabbed a snack and drove a long way to get their photos taken. Momoko made them dress up and wear matching clothes. Right before their photo shoot, Momoko took the kids to eat home pho. That is Vietmamese noodles.

Momoko was only going to buy the pictures that came with the special. However there were some extra shots of Little Kat that she just had to pay a bit extra for. Now I got a couple recent photos to put in my photo ablum. It is funny. When friends come over and see the kids for the first time, they always comment on how big they are. I guess my only other pictures of them are as small kids.

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