Monday, December 22, 2014

Trash Trouble

I visit my dad twice a week. When I come over, I work in his basement and eat lunch with dad. There is one thing that is very disturbing about dad's neighborhood. There is trash all over the place.

Mostly I see trash strewn about in the street. This is a bad sign. The neighborhood has gone down hill. Crime is surely to follow this trend. I know a guy bought the house next door to my dad. He finally decided to sell and move to another country. The trash piling up in his yard from being blown from other yards was too much for him.

I think that the people might be getting desensitized to it. However I am still shocked by the level of trash in the street. Today I saw a lot of trash directly in front of my dad's house. So I decide to pick it up and throw it away. Then I noticed that a lot of that trash had blown into my dad's front yard. Had to pick that up too.

Doesn't anybody care about the neighborhood around here? I know the guy that started the local civic association in the neighborhood has retired and long since moved away to the country. Most of the other neighbors I knew retired as well and moved away. Now there are a bunch of rentals. What a fail.

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