Monday, June 13, 2016

Photos of Dad

I found a bunch of 8x11 pictures going through my dad's belongings. They were pictures taken when he received assorted awards on the job. The awards are probably of no consequence any more. But these pictures are good. They are probably from back when dad was in his forties or early fifties at the latest.

These pictures deserved to be hung up. I found some two sided tape that I had. I hung all the pictures in a row above my diplomas in my study. Since dad was in the Army, the awards were presented by military guys. Dad is smiling pretty good in most of the pictures.

While standing up on my desk chair, affixing the pictures to the wall, I was reminded of an earlier time. When I was in high school, I used to hang magazine pictures on my bedroom wall. I think I might have used two sided tape back then too. Guess some habits stick with you.

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