Sunday, June 5, 2016

Yard Work Fatigue

Today is the day I normally do yard work. I had to wait until after our family scheduling meeting to start. Had some bags left over from last week that I needed to deal with. They had become nasty because the county did not collect yard clippings last week. So I re-bagged them.

I struggled to get the front yard grass cut. Every time I had to empty the grass catcher on the lawn mover, I needed to take a break. Think I am still suffering from my illness of the last few weeks. I needed to get all the grass cut.

So I took frequent breaks. Sometimes I went into the house to cool down. Once I put the cool water from the hose over my head. I drank a lot of iced fluids. Good thing I powered through though. The rain came down hard just about when I was finishing. I got soaked but finished my work.

I hope I get my strength back. I used to have no problems spending a couple hours out in the yard doing work. Sure I would be tired. But I would not have to take breaks and get winded so easily.

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