Thursday, March 5, 2009

Staying up Late

I stay up late each night, studying for my college class, and also for a certification test I need to take. The loss of sleep catches up with me though. Yesterday I ate an early dinner and took a nap. Little Kat knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. In my dreams I mumbled, "No thanks".

By the time I did get up, I found that my work had called me. It is never good to get a call from work after hours. They had a serious problem and needed help. I told them I needed to be in the training I was attending. Their solution was for me to go in to work before training.

I stayed up late again studying. Around 2:00am, I heard some noise upstairs. So I finished up my work and went up to check it out. There were no lights on. So I went to bed. Mamma Kat said she had just gone to bead after staying up late to read. I got a couple hours of shut eye, then was the first to wake up and leave for work. It is a tough schedule.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sleep is a good thing!!!!