Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fast Growing Lawn

The lawn in our yard has been growing very fast due to all the rain. This is a double edged sword. When it rains, it is hard to get time to cut the grass. It is difficult to cut the grass when it is wet. I also think it is not good for the grass to be cut while wet.

I got home from work today. A little old lady who lives across the street was out there cutting her lawn. And if she could so it, so could I. Mamma Kat encouraged me to get it done. So I put on my yard work clothes and got out there.

Wouldn't you know it? As I am cutting the grass, it starts to pour. I tried to hurry up. But it takes times to run the mower over our yard. And I was only trying to get the front yard done today. I turned into one wet cat out there. No fun I tell ya.


Grand Kat said...

My grass is getting high also, wanta come down and mow mine. I think grass mowing should me a young kat's duty but I don't have any around and the old kat doesn't mow.

Black Cat said...

Heh. I had to cut the back yard today. Too much work here in the yard to go help other ppl. Sorry.