Sunday, May 31, 2009

Snip Snip

Today I took the kittens on a few errands. We started our adventure by going to the library. Kit and Little got a bunch of books.

We knew it would be a long time until dinner so we decided to stop by our favorite place for a quick snack. I remembered a store next door was having a good sale on shirts. We stopped in but did not see anything good. Kit did see a friend she had not seen in awhile. Little and I split a meal and Kit decided to be all grown up and buy her own. I like it when she goes all adult on me.

Next, we went to get our hair trimmed. We ended up spending two hours in the salon because it was really busy. Kit told the stylist that she wanted to dye her hair blue and she told us where to go to get the supplies she would need to help Kit. I am not sure if Kit is going to really dye her hair blue but time will tell. Kit did get a new hairstyle which is a big step for her and it looks cute on her.

After the hair place, we went to the grocery store to pick up a few new items for the week. The kittens have planned menus. We go back late and found Black starving to death. I fix him up with some canned food. It was enough to hold him over until Kit finished dinner. We ended our night watching movies. It was a nice family day.

1 comment:

Black Cat said...

Don't you just hate when everyone has a snack, and you starve to death? I think it was partly my fault. Mamma Kat asked if I needed to be fed right away. The correct answer was YES.