Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gift Shopping

The picture to the left has nothing to do with my post. I just thought it was a cool picture.

Mamma Kat and I planned to shop for a gift today. A coworker's daughter is graduating and turning 18. Mamma Kat and I are invited to a big formal party. I thought we should get a memorable gift for the girl. My initial idea was to get some apparel from the university she shall be attending.

The plan was for Mamma Kat to get up, take Little Kat to visit his friend, and we would go shopping. Little Kat was banging on the bedroom door 5 minutes before they were supposed to meet his friend. Let's just say they did not make it on time.

By the time Mamma Kat got back, I found out the university book store was closed on the weekends as school is out. So we just got some pasta for lunch instead. Mamma Kat even paid. Upon return we could not find Kit Kat in the house. Mamma Kat got a little worried. However it turned out she was downstairs. She must have been listening to that iPod.

1 comment:

Kit Kat said...

I was not listening to my ipod I was doing the laundry and couldn' hear you over the laundry room noises.