Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hard Work

We got our new "jumbo" freezer up and running. I left the old freezer out on the patio today. It needed to thaw out. Since it did not have a built in defroster, there were layers of ice caked up in there. By the end of the day, all the ice had melt. After work I scrubbed the thing down with 409. Mamma Kat needed the freezer for a special project at work. I figured it should look good.

I noticed the cats working out in the garden. That was strange. There were just a bunch of weeds in there. Mamma Kat then said we needed to go buy some fruits and vegetables to plant in there. I had to first cut the grass as I did not finish the job this weekend. Then I was tired, but we still went to Home Depot.

First we loaded up on topsoil and mulch. Then we let the cats pick out the fruits and vegetables they wanted. Both of them got some herbs. Little Kat was proud to have picked out corn. I think both of them got some melons too. When we got home, the cats went out, worked in the new soil, and planted away. Mamma Kat is going to be tending to the garden this summer. She will water it every day. Maybe we will get some really good veggies out of this. That's the plan according to Little Kat.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sounds like the fresh veggies and jumbo will go nicely together.