Monday, May 4, 2009

Black Gets Black

This weekend was a busy Saturday for the whole family. So everyone was tired Sunday morning. I tried to wake Mamma Kat up early. All I got was a hiss. Later on I was able to talk her into getting us some breakfast.

I got an early start on my laundry. Things were looking up. After my white load of laundry had completed its dryer cycle, I was shocked to find that all my white clothes turned into Dalmatian colored clothes. They had some black stuff on them.

Now the culprit seemed to have been a black crayon that somehow got into the dryer. Little Kat is a cat who likes to put crayons in his pockets. That is all fine until you do the laundry. You have to empty your pockets. Little Kat made some signs to remind him to empty his pockets. He is also trying to get the black out of my white clothes. Do you have any secret recipes to do this?

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I am back, sorry I don't have a secret for removing crayon stains.