Thursday, May 14, 2009

Attack of the Ducks

There is plenty of parking at my work. However by the time I get there, I have to park far away from my building. Normally that does not matter. A nice walk in the morning is good for me. That is all fine unless I am carrying my big bag with my computer. Then it is a chore to trek from the remote parking lot.

That is why I was excited when they built a new parking garage right next to my building. It seemed to take forever before they were done. Then it opened to the building residents. Things were great. There was always enough parking right by my building. Then the ducks came.

There always seemed to be ducks in the neighborhood of my building. That is no big deal. They stick to themselves. However one pair of ducks became annoying. Apparently the one ducks laid some eggs. She built her nest right on the walkway from the parking garage to my building. And daddy duck would attack anyone who came near. The construction guys closed off the walk between the parking lot and building. Then they started roping off more and more area around these ducks because papa duck kept attacking people walking from the garage. This darn dark even flew up at me a couple time. He seemed to wander around a bit, but kept thinking he needed to protect the nest. The nerve of these ducks. I tell ya.


Grand Kat said...

quack! quack! for you life.

Kit Kat said...

That sucks hope the ducklings hatch soon and leave so you can walk again.