Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anime Convention

Mamma Kat and I are planning to attend Anthrocon 2009. I was hoping to attend Anime Expo this year. But that is being held in Los Angles, which is much too far away. Anthrocon is just 4 hours away from us.

We don't know what to expect from this. Mamma Kat and I have never been to any anime or manga style conventions. I think this one is a smaller one due to its specialty. Anthrocon focuses on animals that act like human. That's real specific.

I have the hotel room booked. And I have researched a bunch of the sessions at the convention that I want to attend. We will probably blog about the experience in about 2 weeks. Get ready.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Sounds like a fun time!!