Friday, June 12, 2009

Survival Training

Little Kat is going on a wilderness survival camping trip this weekend. He had a long list of items to get to be prepared. Earlier this week Mamma Kat said they only got half the required items. She asked me if I could take Little Kat to REI to buy the rest of what he needed.

First I cut the grass before the big rains came. Then Little Kat and I went on our shopping trip. The rain came down hard. We had to dash into the store. The parking lot turned into a stream with deep water flowing everywhere. Luckily there was a tall speed bump we could walk on to stay dry.

Inside REI, I found the first employee that was free and gave him our list. He thought we could get all the items. He ran off and found another employee in that section. That employee then said he would look for the first item on the list. It was about 30 minutes before I saw the employee again. He said he had to help a lot of other customers. Epic fail REI. If we were not in such a hurry, I would not have bought anything from you. I am surely not going to come back to your store.

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