Friday, June 19, 2009

Undetected Prank

In order to make room for our fish tank, we had to move Little Kat's desk. The desk was messy. I had Little Kat take everything off the desk. We put the mess on the floor as we moved the desk to the new location. Now we had to sort through all the stuff that had piled up on the desk.

One suspicious item was the cover to our Kung Fu Panda DVD case. I asked Little Kat why the DVD case jacket cover was on his desk. He said that he had replaced the original cover with a prank one. It seems nobody had detected the prank.

Now I am all for a good prank. But we can't be discarding our DVD covers on top of a mountain of other things which don't belong on the desk. Time to keep closer watch on Little Kat's desk. We spent a long time cleaning up his pile.


Grand Kat said...

Does the fish tank like it's new home??

Black Cat said...

Kit Kat says that the fish look bored. Not sure how to spice up their lives. At least Kit Kat feeds them. Mamma Kat plans to buy some new fish friends for the tank.