Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Travel Time!

We had to crawl out of bed before the sun came up to get the kittens to the airport on time.  Everything moved liked clockwork except Black must have looked suspicious because he had to go through the giant sniffer/x-ray at the security screening.  I wonder if it was because he was escorting Kit.  She was rocking that rebel teen look complete with blue fur.  After the kittens, left Black and I went home to take a catnap before heading out of town to start our little vacation.  Ka'ching!


Grand Kat said...

Hope the kittens made it to dad kat ok.

Momoko said...

Yes I got a text from Kit. I haven't heard her voice yet but at least the text sounded like her. I also got a text from Little. He sent a "miss you" with an animated boy crying. I can't wait until they get back!

Black Cat said...

It was very suspicious. Airport security stopped Kit Kat, but only talked to her. I was subjected to the massive X-ray machine. I complied but it was embarassing.