Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friend of Little Kat

Tonight Little Kat had a friend over. The friend is spending the night. Momoko and Kit Kat snuck out to see a movie in the theaters. That left me in charge. I was busy reading email and such.

The cats asked me whether they could cook up some popcorn. "No problem," I told them. Little Kat's friend was pleased to find a microwave popcorn with extra butter in our pantry.

A few minutes later I heard some noises. Then I smelled the problem. Little Kat burned the popcorn in the microwave. There was a very exciting game going on the computer which distracted him. All good fun.


Momoko said...

Burnt popcorn smell keeps going, and going and going...

Grand Kat said...

Burnt popcorn in the worst. The smell just stays in the microwave forever!!