Monday, November 30, 2009

An All Nighter

Yesterday I worked hard on my last project for the college class I am taking. Luckily it is not due for another week and a half. Momoko was not so lucky. She needed to turn in a paper for her class today. And let me tell you. She was behind schedule. So she bit the bullet and stayed up all night. She got done around 6:00am.

Momoko plans to sleep during the day. She still needs to go to her college class this afternoon and turn in her paper. That means I have to drive Little Cat to school today. We are on schedule for that. And when I get up this early, I normally grab some breakfast on the way to work. I see Burger King in my immediate future.

Our new Brother last printer is pretty good. The jobs pretty out very fast. The ink is dark because the toner cartridge is new. There are only two problems. When somebody prints, my computer sometimes shuts off because the printer draws so much electricity all at once. And our initial toner cartridge is already getting low. Never fear. I already placed an order for a replacement cartridge.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Hope everything turned out ok on Momoko's paper. St. Nick's day is coming soon. Better get your shoes out!