Friday, December 4, 2009

No Parking

Today I was awakened by a call on my cell phone. Usually I shut off the phone before bed. It was the boss. They had some emergency. Lucky for me I could not help them. I just pointed them to some other people on my team. Then I went back to sleep.

Eventually I woke up and got to work late. There were not many people there. Slackers. I could not find anybody to eat lunch with. So I went to my favorite restaurant at the mall. I had just one problem. There were no parking spaces.

Then I recalled Momoko telling me that nobody parks at the top of the parking garage. As I circled around the lower levels of the garage, it was not looking good. All the spaces were taken. Then I got to the top level and there were maybe 3 cars there. I got a little paranoid. Was there something wrong with the top level? It was strange. The garage is actually a lot closer to the restuarant I like than the parking lot. I need to make a note.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Yeah for Momoko advice about the parking lot. Hope you had a good lunch.