Friday, December 11, 2009

Another Friday Goes By

After work I went to Kit Kat's school. She has a Friday afternoon club and stays late. While in the parking lot, I texted Little Kat. He successfully made it to his friend's house. He is spending the night with his best bud.

Kit Kat and I headed to the local library after school. She reserved some manga books online. They were there. Then we went home and picked up Momoko. The three of us went out and ate some pasta.

At home I watched the movie Julia and Julie. It was about a failed writer who started a blog. She spent a year trying to cook hundreds of Julia Child recipes. It was quite entertaining, as the movie also introduced us to the life of the real Julia Child.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I have never been a fan of Julia Child's but maybe the movie would change my mind.