Friday, December 18, 2009

Snow is Coming

Today I told everyone at work that I was leaving at 3:00PM. I had to do that to ensure I could leave on time. It was my turn to pick up Kit Kat from school. She had an after school activity that made her miss the bus.

My company gave me some cash. So today I signed up for a college class next semester. I was able to do this online. The only disturbing part was that I was the first person to enroll in my class. If nobody else signs up, the class will be cancelled. Come on people.

They are calling for a lot of snow tonight. Luckily it is the weekend. The big boss at work told everyone to take home their computers in case we got snowed in. I did not obey. I don't want to be doing any work from home. If it snows, I get a snow day. Yes.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...