Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dangerous Stunts

Little Kat and I went to visit my mom. We did not stay long. So we headed home by highway. We saw two cats on motorcycles. They guys slowed down and were motioning to each other with their hands. At first I thought they were deciding on where to go.

In my rear view mirror I figured out what the commotion was about. The one motorcycle cat popped a wheelie. He must have been going 65 miles per hour. And he rode it for a long time. I told Little Kat to look. But he said he could not look, expecting the guy to fall off and be crushed by highway traffic.

This is where the weird part comes in. The cat rides a wheelie right off the highway onto the off ramp. Whew. Good thing he needed to exit. Little Kat and I drove on. Later one of the motorcycle pair zoomed past us going 90 to 100 miles per hour. Those cats just don't want to live long.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

I bet it was neat see it though.