Thursday, March 25, 2010

Suspicious Cat

I had to work late today. It was strange when I came home. Momoko's car was not in the driveway. I opened the door to the house and heard Little Kat running.

It is always bad news when Little Kat is running. That means he is doing something he is not supposed to. I found that he was watching Pokemon movies on Momoko's laptop.

I asked where everyone was. Apparently Momoko and Kit Kat had to go to the dentist. They left Little Kat alone. Trouble.

Then I inquired who was cooking dinner. Little Kat said he thought Kit Kat was in charge of dinner. This sounded strange. Later Little Kat said he would help Kit Kat by putting her dinner in the oven.

Now that sounded very strange indeed. I told Little Kat that we needed to call Momoko to clarify dinner plans. That is when Little Kat said that he remembered he was supposed to cook dinner. It was definitely time to kill the Pokemon movie. Finally I quizzed Little Kat on the dinner choice. He was going to throw some frozen dinner in the over. Now I wanted some side dishes, so this Little Kat needs a lot of supervision I see...

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Was he suppose to use the computer?
Sounds like a young man trying to get out of work to do what he wanted. A Man in training I think.