Wednesday, June 17, 2015

All Work

The big boss at work said we needed to start coming into the office. Okay. I signed up for a room and headed there early this morning. I planned to meet a teammate there. The teammate shows up two hours later. He said traffic was horrible. To top it off, he could not find a free desk at work. We have a first come first server policy there. You just rent a desk like a hotel. They actually call it hotelling.

I had to go to lunch by myself since my teammate went home early. That's okay. I went to one of our old pizza hangouts near work. I left work an hour early because I accomplished a lot. Traffic was bad going home. I was all alone since the family was helping Momoko at school. I decided to do some work out in the yard.

My first task was to pick up sticks from the ground. They collect sticks tomorrow. Then I moved some fallen trees from the hill to behind our shed. I want to build a pile of large trees that need to be removed. That way when I hire the guys to cut down some trees, all the haul away trees can be ready or them.

Finally I cut the grass on the whole property. It was really hot outside. Luckily I prepared a huge thermos full of ice water. I am talking 64 ounces here. The thermos kept the water cooled. When I finished the water a few hours later, it was time to go in. I was too tired to go out to buy some food. So I heated up some ravioli and waited for the family to come home.

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