Thursday, June 4, 2015

Early Summer Trip

Momoko's grandmother passed away. Her body was/is being sent to Ohio to be buried next to her husband. The family is planning to go visit the grave this month. Momoko and Little Kat get off of school for the summer in a few weeks.
Ohio is an eight hour drive from our house. That might make for a good adventure for the kids. They have not driven long distance yet. However I cannot get off from work that week. Therefore I decided it would be better if we flew out to Ohio.

I used Expedia to make all my reservations. We could not get a direct flight there from our closest airport. So we shall travel to the other side of town to get a direct flight. We are also deviating from our normal SouthWest airlines. The good news is that we get to choose a seat on our plane - no more general adminssion.

I studied the area around our destnation. It is kind of like our hometown. A big city surrounded by a bunch of suburbs. I got a good deal on a rental car. Mid size SUV for $50 a day before taxes/fees. Normally we pay closer to $100/day for the big SUVs.

It took a while to sift through the hotel choices. I wanted a room with a king size bed for Momoko and me. Also wanted another room with two beds for Kit Kat and one other family member. Did not want to go too cheap and get a sketchy place. Also did not want to go too high. I think I found a good compromise that is close to our destination.

This trip has a somber purpose. But it is always good to see family. Plus we will be trying out a new airport and airline. The only caveat is that Little Kat wants to visit his dad for the summer. So it looks like he will not be coming with us. I told him if his plans fall through, I could still get him a ticket on the plane late.

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