Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer Vacation

Momoko said she wanted to have a summer vacation before she reports back to school. Her idea of a vacation was to go to the beach. I told my cousin I might be going there. My cousin asked what had happened to my foreign travels. Oh yeah...

Well what happened was Kit Kat had a spring break that was different than the rest of the family. So we could not go overseas and leave Kit Kat behind. Summer seems like a good time for the family to travel abroad.

I would like to go to Canada. It gets us through customs. Plus it is not that far away. I found that Toronto is a short 1hr45min flight away. There seem to be a ton of hotels in Toronta. Little Kat has a good friend who lives within an hour's drive from Canada.

The only weird thing is that SouthWest Airlines does not fly to Toronto. I guess it does not fit into the Southwest. My thought was to use United Air. But Little Kat thought we would be safer on Air Canada. Sounds legit to me.

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