Monday, April 18, 2016

Double Oven

Momoko and I have always wanted a gas over. We had one in my house when I was growing up. Momoko had one in her old house too. Unfortunately we have been living with electric ovens for the last 10+ years. Imagine out excitement when I found our handyman said he could run new gas lines to our kitchen and hook up a gas over for us.

I recently made some money with a stock trade. So I figured it was time to get that gas over. We went to the Sears home appliance store. They said they had lots of gas ovens. Momoko has been cooking a lot more recently, as Kit Kat move into her dorm, and Little Kat works. Momoko says our oven take forever to heat up. Defective perhaps.

We saw a lot of nice ovens. But the real bonus was the double ovens. When we first moved into our current house, we had an ancient double oven which broke down many times. It was electric though. There were about five different gas double oven models in the store. Little Kat liked the knobs on a KitchenAid. Momoko thought it was pricey but good.

The sale sticker price on the model was high. I told the salesman we wanted one in black. Figured it would be easier to clean. The sales guy said the system told him black costs more. Nope. Stainless steel is the one that always costs more. I inquired about what was wrong. Apparently the black model was not on sale. Time to walk?

Momoko asked me if we should switch to the stainless steel one. Not a good tactic. I paused and let the sales guy sweat a bit. I wanted to give him the sale. But I was not going to pay full price for this thing. A quick search on Google showed some models for less at other stores. I don't like to browse in a store and then run off and purchase it somewhere else. That is just a bad practice.

In the end, the sales guy found another supplier that could get it to Sears cheaper. They were going to pass on the savings to me. I mean everyone is still making a lot of money on this sale. Figure this was a win-win scenario. We pick the new oven up at the store in a week and a half.

1 comment:

Black Cat said...

Cleaning out my 2016 receipts. Ah man this oven ran us $1800 just for the oven. Had to hire a plumber to run the gas line and hook it up. We are still going strong 3 years later. I clean the stove every night.