Friday, May 29, 2009

A Rude Awakening

Early this morning I was dreaming about work. There was something wrong. I got transferred to another location. And there were still problems at work. Perhaps this was a foreshadowing. That is when I heard thing banging sound.

It was Kit Kat at my bedroom door. She was knocking on my door. I answered, "Hello?" Kit Kat informed me that she missed the bus. I will let her story give you the details of her dilemma.

After dropping Kit Kat off at school, I headed straight to work. I thought I should first grab some breakfast. But I remembered there was a lot to do at work today. So I went straight in. Big mistake.

It was around 10:00am when our customer realized that we did not deliver some software this week. They put out the emergency problem report which had everyone running around. When the boss said we would have to work through the weekend, I informed him that working on the weekend was not feasible. Last time that happened, there continued to be emergencies throughout the following week. There was no chance for rest. So I told my partner at work that we had to get the job done, and done today. Besides. I had some dinner plans with a buddy tonight...

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Look on the bright side, Kit Kat
got you to work early so you didn't have to stay as late.