Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Home Early

I stayed at work late yesterday. Then I came home and did some more work. It was a tough day. Today I got into work early, and it turned out to be a productive day. When my last job was done, I ran out of there.

As soon as I got home I got the mail. The house was quiet. I assumed I was alone. But when I walked down the hall, I was startled by Kit Kat sitting on the sofa.

Since I had some free time for a change, I started playing a computer game. But the dude on the screen would not move. I exited the game, and started it back up. I still had the problem. The mouse was fine. Then I figured it out. My wireless keyboard ran out of batteries. Simple fix.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Don't you hate that when that happens.