Friday, October 9, 2009

Some Like it Hot

I got home from work normal time today. Usually I am the last cat home. But there was nobody in the house. Immediately I called Momoko. She and Little Kat were still at school. But Kit Kat should have been home. I called Kit Kat up on her cell. She answered and said she was on her way.

There was another problem at home. The house was really hot inside. And its already October (hello it is fall season). I tried to open all the windows. No luck. Had to turn on the air conditioning. Let's hope it does not cost too much $$$.

The whole family watched Dragonball Evolution on DVD tonight. It was great. Momoko and I had seen it before on pay per view. But there was a lot I had forgotten already. I won't give away any secrets here though, except that Goku's hair sticks up in the air.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Maybe you were having hot flashes??