Monday, August 9, 2010

Rubik's Revenge

Some people at Google have determined that you can solve any variation of the Rubik's cube in 20 moves or less. Previously there had been some mathematical proofs that it would take no more than 52 moves. More recently some other math types proved you could solve any Rubik's cube combination in 22 moves or less.

The Google guys had a different approach. They used a huge number of computers testing out what it would take to solve any combination of Rubik's cube. They then used this massive computer network to solve all the combinations. And they found that with the right moves, all you need is 20 moves at most.

Now your normal person cannot solve the Rubik's cube in any number of moves. I think I can solve one side, maybe two. I don't think I have the brain power to solve three sides at once. Momoko plans to attend a workshop where they teach her the secret moves. Maybe she can get it down to 50 moves or so. We shall see in one week when she attends the workshop.


Momoko said...

I can only hope. The only way I could solve the puzzle was to take it apart and put in back together in the correct way. I am sure that would be frowned upon as a coach.

Grand Kat said...

Me and the Rubiks' cube never got along.