Sunday, July 8, 2012

Going Back to See Mom

I spent yesterday sitting in the house, waiting for the tree cutters to arrive. They were providing a quote to chop down some branches in preparation for my shed delivery. Turns out they could not do the work in time. They are just too busy from the recent storm. Since I was busy yesterday, I had to go see my mom in the hospital today. I had scheduled to pick up my brother to visit mom with him. I was late getting to my brother's house.

I drove Momoko's car to visit my mom. The car was cool from the A/C that was running as we drove it this afternoon. As I drove down my brother's street, I turned over to the side to park. All of a sudden I ran into a downed wire from the pole. The thing normally rests on the bottom of the street. But on the side of the road it hangs down from the pole. Fail. I stopped the car quickly and backed up before any real trauma happened.

My dad could not wait for me. He went to the hospital before us. My mom wrote some messages for me and her family back in Japan. Mom talked with many doctors, including a surgeon who is a cancer specialist. Mom said her cancer was a bad one. Her's is not normally curable. But she said she will fight the thing.
Mom had a nodule on her thyroid for a long time. The nodule was small before. Mom lived with this thing for 25 years. The doctor thought that something triggered it to grow. It must be dealt with. Mom really could not speak much. But she could eat. She could also walked a bit by herself too. I plan to see her again tomorrow.

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