Monday, July 2, 2012

Suspicious Behavior

This morning I got up and started working from home. Little Kat came downstairs a few hours later. Apparently Momoko woke him up and he proceeded to start his laundry. I said hi to him. Then I went and retrieved the laundry I had completed the night before. At lunch I ran some errands. Finally, at the end of the day, I went to turn off the laundry room light that Little Kat had left on. I stepped into a very wet carpet in the hall that leads to the laundry room.

Immediately my mind thought that the fridge upstairs had sprung a leak. I came upstairs and noticed that the fridge was not directly above the wet carpet. It could not be the fridge. Then I did what anyone in our family should do when encountering such a situation. I called an emergency family meeting. Kit Kat already went to work. So the meeting was with Momoko, Little Kat, and myself.

Little Kat said that he noticed some water in the laundry room as soon as he started his laundry. He also stated that he dried that water with his towel, and decided the problem was solved. That made no sense. Why would Little Kat be mopping up water he discovered on the floor? And why didn't he tell anyone about it? I was in the room right next to the laundry room.

We reconstructed Little Kat's day. It turns out that he came back down to drop off some Coke 12-packs. He also returned back down to complete his laundry. When pressed, Little Kat confessed that he discovered the wet carpet on these subsequent visits. Those times, however, he did not try to dry the water. Little Kat's story really makes no sense. I suspect foul play.

I traced the water back to 2 jugs of distilled water on a small shelf. They both were suspiciously punctured. Momoko thought that perhaps they burst when our power went off. The cuts in the containers and the locations of the cuts makes me think otherwise. We may never find out what actually happened. All I know for sure is that there was some extremely suspicious Little Kat behavior.

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