Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Money Matters

Little Kat is getting old enough to start thinking about good financial habits.

 Black felt that Little Kat needs to be in control of his own money for him to be successful. I think Black is right.

 Step 1: Operation Bank- I told Little that I wanted him to open a savings account and he could pick the bank that he liked the most. He was very excited. He asked for help understanding bank terminology as he researched local banks. He compared the following banks: Suntrust, Capital One, Bank of America, PNC, TD Bank, and BB&T

Step 2: Money- We went down to his bank of choice and opened an account. He had to gather all the needed documents and talk to the person in new accounts. He put in $30 and was excited to find out that he could get an ATM card as well.

 Step 3: Let it Ride- The rest is up to Little. He can put in or take out as much as he likes. I am hoping he has a goal and keeps up with his savings account. I will make sure he sees me doing the same thing. I want to lead by a good example as well.

1 comment:

Black Cat said...

Oh snap. Little Kat getting an ATM card? That might be dangerous, as in Little Kat spending all his savings.