Monday, September 10, 2012

Say No to the Jump

I went to the home improvement store to pick up some supplies today. Was happy that I could find an indoor flood light bulb that matched my track lighting. I also picked up some lumber and a lot of mulch. I parked the old truck by the store exit. However I checked out by the exit at the other side of the store. It was a long walk back to the truck. I pushed the heavy cart the whole way.

Then I started packing the truck. Had three separate stacks of mulch bags going on the in the truck bed. Wedged a paint can in there as well. Put the lumber up on top. Wedged it down so that it would not fall out the back of the truck. When all was packed up, I took the cart back to the store. A guy asked me if that was my truck that just got packed. I told him yes. The guy then asked if I had jumper cables.

Now I carry jumper cables in all my vehicles. You never know when you need to jump start a car. However the cables were packed in the far end of the truck. I just spent 5 minutes packing this truck up. I had a lot of work to do. So I had to tell the guy that I could not help him. I felt a little bad. However I spent a long time at home getting the shrub garden bed ready for the mulch. I am glad I did not spend another half hour trying to jump start this guy's truck.
As I drove my truck out of the parking lot, I saw a store employee trying to help the guy out. Let's hope he had some jumper cables.

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