Thursday, November 8, 2012

Close Inspection

Momoko and Little Kat had the day off for Election Day. Their school is used as a voting locaiton. I had scheduled for an electrician to come by the house. Little Kat has a funky outlet in his room. When you plug something in, the whole room loses power. We can't have that.

The electrician was scheduled to come in the afternoon. He called a few times in the morning because he was in the area. When I called him back, he said he would be over around noon. I had Little Kat man the door. Good thing I did. The guy came early.

The electrician fixed the plug, and we were good to go. Momoko wanted to take Little Kat with her to run some errands. I said that Little Kat had a lot of work to do. His room became as mess as we prepared for the electrician. We needed clear the area around the outlet.

Eventually Little Kat cleaned up the room. Then he and Momoko went errand shopping. Upon his return, I quizzed him about his homework. He said everything was done for the next couple days. I started with the stuff due tomorrow. The first paper I saw was incomplete. Fail. Then I looked at another paper. It was only 25 percent done. Double fail.

I told Little Kat that this semester was the time to get back on track at school. He definintely needs to complete all homework fully. If not, I know he will be missing the whole point of homework. Learning the material. Kit Kat and I set up a card table next to the desk in the basement where I work all day. As soon as Little Kat comes home, he needs to sit directly next to me and complete his homework.

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