Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Giver

Momoko and Little Kat tried to read a book together this summer. I got Little Kat a Kindle version of Fahrenheit 451. And I got Momoko a print version. That project did not turn out too well. I doubt they read but a couple chapters.

Momoko wanted to resume the reading project. I had purchased a Kindle version of The Giver by Lois Lowry for Little Kat. And I bought Momoko the deluxe print edition that had all kinds of pictures with it. They were supposed to start reading the book together. But Momoko needed some extra help. She bought an extra electronic copy for her iPad on iBooks.

I went to the library to see if I could check out a print copy of The Giver. No luck. So I went to the local boostore and picked up a copy. It was a small paperback copy. I liked it because it cost $6.99. The family was all supposed to read the book at the same time. Somehow it was decided that we would all read the book aloud, taking turns at reading.

This was eye opening. Little Kat often skips words while he reads. He also pronounces the words wrong, seeing one word but saying another. Ouch. Maybe it is a good thing we are reading aloud. When Little Kat's reading mistakes get too crazy, Momoko corrects him as he reads.

So far we have found out that the characters live in some sort of utopian society. They live in communities with a lot of rules. Everyone is given a job that they accept as professions. If you break the laws 3 times, you get "released". One would think that means you get kicked out of the community. But I think that means you get killed. We shall see.

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