Friday, December 21, 2012

End of the World

Today marks the end of the Mayan calendar. To some, they thought that meant it was also the end of the world. Little Kat was a bit concerned about this. He did not think the world was actually ending. He was more concerned that somebody who thought it was the end of the world might want to do some damage or harm to Little Kat.

Little Kat voiced his opinion to Momoko and myself. He propsed that he stay home from school today just in case. Momoko approved this plan. So Little Kat did not have to wake up really early as he normally does to catch his bus. In fact, Little Kat slept through the whole morning.

I went to McDonald's for lunch because my bro gave me some valuable coupons. It was only when I came back that I realized that Little Kat was still in the house. He had still not woken up. Usually when Little Kat or Kit Kat stays home from school, I offer to pick them up a bit of lunch.

Luckily Little Kat eventually woke up. He needed to. He is responsible for cooking dinner tonight. Momoko is out partying again with some friends from work. So it might just be Little Kat and I for dinner tonight.

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