Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pumpkin Surprise

Earlier this week, Little Kat was running late for school. I thought he might miss his bus. Luckily Momoko was leaving for work at the same time. She gave Little Kat a ride to the bus stop. Disaster averted. I got up normal time, went downstairs to my study, and started work.

I got a text from Momoko. It said that she found a pumpkin under my car. What??? I do recall there were a bunch of pumpkins on the curb across the street. I looked outside and those pumpkins were gone. I went outside and sure enough, under my car, was a small pumpkin.

At first I thought it might be some kids fooling around. However Momoko later said that the pumpkins from across the street had somehow rolled out into the road. Since Little Kat was running late, I guess they could not stop to remove the pumpkin under my car themselves.

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