Sunday, December 9, 2012

Failure with Fries

Momoko promised the kids that she would take them to the movies if they hung the Christmas lights outside. Well the kids held up their end of the bargain. So today they planned to go to the movies. They like to catch the early show because it is cheap. And there are less crowds to fight in parking lot and theater. Their show started at 10:20am. So they planned to leave for breakfast at an evil 9:00am.

After a tough week with my college class and work, there was no way I was waking up Saturday morning before 9:00am. I stayed in bed all morning. I did wake up for lunch and was very hungry. When I came downstairs, I found a bunch of Arbys fries on the kitchen floor along with some other trash. I immediately left a voice mail for Momoko, telling her they had better come home after the movie to explain who caused this mess.

I figured it might have beeb Little Kat. He often puts trash in the wrong place. Normally I can just call down the kids, figure out who failed, and have the guilty party clean up the mess. However I was irked that somebody tossed some fries on the floor and took off to have fun at the movies. When the family came home, Kit Kat said she put the fries in a bag, put that bag in another bag, and then deposited the double bagged fries in the trash. She said the fries must have fallen out of the trash can.

Now we have a trash can which requires you to push a pedal with your foot to open. Or you could lift up the top with your hand. Either way, you need to be standing directly in front of the trash can to put something in there. I was not buying the story that Kit Kat lifted up the lid and did not notice the fries falling down right underneath her feet. Suspicious at best.

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