Monday, August 24, 2015

Gerbil on the Run

Today was Momoko's first day back to school. It was a rough day. She ate dinner and made Little Kat play with the gerbils. He played with them briefly one by one. Momoko went to bed early. I needed to head downstairs to take care of some business. All of a sudden, I saw a gerbil running on the carpet in our dining room. Apparently she had escaped under Little Kat's watch. Fail.

Little Kat took it easy today. He had to help Momoko get ready for work at the crack of dawn. So I cut him some slack. But when he was still sleeping at 4pm, I needed to get involved. I woke him up to do the dishes and some laundry. I also enlisted his help in taking a photo of me in my suit for LinkedIn.

Little Kat also grilled us up some BBQ chicken for dinner. Add some sides of baked beans and potato salad, and we had ourselves a great meal. Tomorrow Little Kat goes to school. It is not too bad. He is on work study so he gets out after half a day. He does not have a job lined up yet. So he plans to just come home.

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