Thursday, August 20, 2015


I took the afternoon off from work today. Went to meet a prior coworker of mine for lunch. We usually spend a good time talking at lunch. Did not want to hurry back to the office. It was raining when I left the office. But it cleared up by the time I arrived at the restaurnt.

After lunch I came home. There was a suspicious cabinet door under the sink hanging off in a weird direction. Seeing that Little Kat was the only one home, I asked him about it. He confessed that the top hinge broke off. I told him to unscrew the bottom hinge. Later I found that he broke that one too.

We found a replacement hinge in my study closet. But it was too small. So Little Kat and I went to the store to buy a new one. We only found hinges without screws. Had to go hunt them down too. Little Kat screwed the hinges into the door. He broke a drill bit, and stripped a few screws. Luckily I bought the big screw pack.

Then Little Kat brought the door to the cabinet. No way we could mount the thing up there. So we took the hinges off the door, and put just the hinges on the cabinet. That took Little Kat a long time. Next I got some phone books to propr up the door in the air. I screwed the hinge to the door. Then came the moment of truth: we tried to close the door. But it would not fit.

Darn. Not sure what to do next? I don't think we can suffer through the hinges one more time. Maybe shave off the edge of the door? Then put in some type of magnet or wedge to ensure the door swings shut and stays shut.

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