Monday, August 10, 2015

Manual Transmission Time

The whole family got up early this morning. We went to see the new Fantastic 4 movie. The theater had not opened yet when we got there. We waited until the doors opened before leaving the car. We got our normal pretzels and cheese plus a large soda.

I was a bit concerned that Kit Kat purchased her tickets online, and that I would not have a ticket stub to prove I belonged in the theater. Luckily Kit Kat presented her online proof with her phone. Then she got ticket stubs for the whole family.

After the movie, Little Kat and I discussed the theory behind manual transmission vehicles. Then I drove him to the local elementary school, explaining how I was using the clutch as we drove. There were a couple cars at the school. But by the time we we under way practicing driving, they had all left.

Little Kat picked up on getting it into first gear pretty quickly. He could do it from a stop if he started on level ground. He could also do it easily if he was on the downhill. Heck. He was progressing so fast, I decided to take him to an uphill section of the school parking lot. Little Kat did not seem phased by the vehicle going backwards at first. He had trouble adjusting to getting it going up a hill. But he did okay.

Next week I plan to teach Little Kat reverse. And we will continue to practice getting the car into first gear from a stop. At the rate he is going, Little Kat might even try going into second gear pretty soon. I was pleased that Little Kat could drive my Chevy S10 pickup truck. Kit Kat could not reach the pedals, and the non-tilt steering wheel messed her up too. Little Kat felt right at home in the truck.

Speaking of trucks, Little Kat used to think he wanted to drive a large sedan such as a Ford Crown Victoria. Now he says he is getting more into short bed pickup trucks. He said he did not mind if they were a regular cab (as opposed to extend cab or 4 door). He just does not car for the long bed style trucks. Hmm. If I could find a Chevy S10 pickup that is automatic transmission, we might just have something new for Little Kat to drive.

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