Thursday, October 13, 2016

Surprise at the Bank

I finally got around to going to the back today. Wanted to cash some checks. The teller told me that she could not cash the one from Little Kat. I asked why not? She said for privacy reasons she could not explain. However she said that Little Kat would know the answer.

I got home and luckily Little Kat had come home from college for lunch. He told me he bought a bunch of computer parts to make his desktop computer operational. In essence, he spent my money. Turns out he just always looks at his current balance to determine how much money he has. He does not account for checks he wrote in the past. Not good.

Hopefully the check did not actually bounce, causing any fees to be assessed against us. Luckily Little Kat and I bank at the same institution. Plus I think the teller gave us a break and just did not push the transaction through. That check would have bounced. Now I have to wait until Little Kat gets paid from work before I can get my money.

Let's hope Little Kat learns his lesson and comes up with a scheme to track his money more accurately.

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